The focus of this paper is to understand and explore fundamental design principles and processes through composition and form within the context of typographic design.
This paper responds to aspects of atea. It examines the corresponding ideas of encounters with places and people; conversations/discourse; challenges; process (tikanga -practices and rules); and the dynamic and, at times, challenging and confrontational spaces of meeting. Atea begins as the space of the meeting of ideas: what is your position?H o w do you articulate that position through art and design, and the words you say and write? How do your encounters with other positions other ideas, other objects, images and experiences affect you and your work?
This begins with the initials of your name, and builds into an interpretation of a text. This building process will mirror the way communication builds from letters to words, to sentences and paragraphs. This will reshape and transfer to a three-dimensional narrative form.
* Note: This was intended to be presented in a large-scale cube format, due to covid lockdown I was not able to do that.

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